Adolf Hitler? Are you familiar with that name? Who is he?
World War 2:
Early years:
- He was born on 20th April 1889 in small Austrian town of Braunau near the German border.
- Son of 52 year old Austrian customs official (Alois Schickelgruber Hitler) and Klara Hitler.
- He left school at the age of 16 after when he spend four years in Realschule in Linz with his dreams becoming a painter.
- October 1907, he went to Vienna, where he remains until 1913 to lead Bohemian.
- He then spend ‘five years of misery and woe’ after got rejection from Viennese Academy of Fine Arts (adopting a view of life which changed very little in the ensuing years, shaped as it was by a pathological hatred of Jews and Marxists, liberalism and the cosmopolitan Habsburg monarchy.
- In Vienna he acquired his first education in politics by studying the demagogic techniques of the popular Christian-social Mayor, Karl Lueger, and chooses stereotyped, obsessive anti-Semitism with its brutal, violent sexual connotations ways and concern with the "purity of blood".
World War 2:
- May 1913 Hitler left Vienna for Munich when war break in August 1914, he joined the Sixteenth Bavarian Infantry Regiment, serving as a despatch runner.
- Hitler proved an able, courageous soldier, could receive the Iron Cross (First Class) for bravery, but did not rise above the rank of Lance Corporal.
- In November 1918 his military defeated on the revolution in Germany, Hitler restored where he believe that it was his fate to rescue a humiliated nation from the shackles of the Versailles Treaty, from Bolsheviks and Jews.
- summer of 1919, Hitler was sent to investigate a small nationalistic group of idealists, the German Workers' Party by Reichswehr until the "educational" duties which consisted largely of spying on political parties in the overheated atmosphere of post-revolutionary Munich.
- 16 September 1919 he entered the Party, soon changed its name to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP) and had imposed himself as its Chairman by July 1921.
Becomes leader:
- November 1921 Hitler was recognized as Fuhrer- movement which had 3,000 members, and boosted his personal power by organizing strong- arm squads to keep order at his meetings and eliminate those of his opponents.
- Out of these squads grew the storm troopers (SA) organized by Captain Ernst Röhm and Hitler's black-shirted personal bodyguard, theSchutzstaffel (SS).
- He focused more on his propaganda against the Versailles Treaty, the "November criminals," the Marxists and the visible, internal enemy No. 1, the "Jew," who was responsible for all Germany's domestic problem.
- 24 February 1920, where twenty-five-point program of the NSDAP had been announced the exclusion of the Jews from the Volk community, the myth of Aryan race supremacy and extreme nationalism were combined with "socialistic" ideas of profit-sharing and nationalization inspired by ideologues like Gottfried Feder.
- November 1923 Hitler was convinced that the Weimar Republic almost collapse and, together with General Ludendorff and local nationalist groups, sought to overthrow the Bavarian government in Munich.
- Hitler was arrested and tried on 26 February 1924, succeeding in turning the tables on his accusers with a confident, propagandist speech which ended with the prophecy.
- Sentenced to five years' imprisonment in Landsberg fortress, Hitler was released after only nine months during which he dictated Mein Kampf (My Struggle) to his loyal follower, Rudolf Hess.
- Adolf Hitler in Reichstag
- Rise of the Nazi party:
- January 1925 the ban on the Nazi Party was removed and Hitler regained permission to speak in public.
- Though the Nazi Party won only twelve seats in the 1928 elections, the onset of the Great Depression with its devastating effects on the middle classes helped Hitler to win over all those strata in German society who felt their economic existence was threatened.
- With the backing of the press tycoon, Alfred Hugenberg, Hitler received a tremendous nationwide exposure.
- 1930 elections the Nazi vote jumped dramatically from 810,000 to 6,409,000 and they received 107 seats in the Reichstag.
- 27 January 1932 great industrial magnates began to contribute liberally to the coffers of the NSDAP, reassured by Hitler's performance before the Industrial Club in Dusseldorf
- votes in the run-off elections of 10 April 1931 as against 19,359,650 votes for the victorious von Hindenburg.
- Hitler officially acquired German citizenship and decided to run for the Presidency, receiving 13,418,011 votes in the run-off elections of 10 April 1931 as against 19,359,650 votes for the victorious von Hindenburg
- July 1932 the Nazis emerged as the largest political party in Germany, obtaining nearly fourteen million votes (37.3 per cent) and 230 seats.
- 27 February 1933 , The Reichstag fire had provided him with the perfect pretext to begin consolidating the foundations of a totalitarian one-party State, and special "enabling laws" were ramrodded through the Reichstag to legalize the regime's intimidatory tactics.
- 5 March 1933 Hitler gained a majority at the last "democratic" elections held in Germany.
As a Fuhrer:
- June 1934 confirmed Hitler as undisputed dictator of the Third Reich , he united the positions of Fuhrer and Chancellor on the death of von Hindenburg, and have all the powers of State in his hands.
- he united the positions of Fuhrer and Chancellor on the death of von Hindenburg, he had all the powers of State in his hands.
- 1935 he abandoned the Versailles Treaty and began to build up the army by conscripting five times its permitted number.
- March 1936 he occupied the demilitarized Rhineland without meeting opposition.
- He began building up the Luftwaffe and supplied military aid to Francoist forces in Spain, which brought about the Spanish fascist victory in 19391938, Hitler's saber-rattling tactics bludgeoned the British and French into the humiliating Munich agreement and the eventual dismantlement of the Czechoslovakian State in March 1939.
- The next designated target for Hitler's ambitions was Poland (her independence guaranteed by Britain and France) and, to avoid a two-front war, the Nazi dictator signed a pact of friendship and non-aggression with Soviet Russia.
Hitler while he was young
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